<< HEARTFIELD CHRONOLOGY - ALL YEARS1928 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939

My dear son, now you are a soldier. I always wished you’d never be one. But then the “brown plague” broke out bringing war and shattering my dreams.

Oh, you know my son, I was a soldier too. In the last war, I was pushed into the army. I fought against it. I hate war.  The hate is deeply ingrained.

Anti-War Artist John Heartfield (Beginning Of A Poem To His Son, Tom. Credit: John J Heartfield Collection)
Anti-War Artist John Heartfield (Beginning Of A Poem To His Son, Tom. Credit: John J Heartfield Collection)

Nazis Threaten Art Of Antifascist Artist Activist John Heartfield In Czechoslovakia.
Germany Tells Czechoslovakia To Shut It Down, 1937

Heartfield joins the Prague Oskar Kokoschka League in 1937. His works are shown in the exhibition 50 Years Mánes. Some of his works are removed from this exhibition because Nazis threaten art that opposes their soulless propaganda in any fashion. Germany threatens to break off diplomatic relations with Czechoslovakia if John Heartfield’s art appears in an exhibition.

The anti-war artist, himself willing to face a constant threat of assassination, fears for the life of his son, Tom George Heartfield. Tom in living with his father in Prague.

Eventually, John convinces Tom to leave Europe and travel to America. Later, Tom joins the American Army to fight against Hitler and The Third Reich.

Tom And John Heartfield, Prague, 1937

A concerned John Heartfield and his son, Tom. They share living quarters and Nazi death threats from 1936-1938.

John And Tom Heartfield, Prague, 1937

(L-R) John Heartfield advising his son, Tom, in Prague, 1937

Professor John J Heartfield is John Heartfield’s paternal grandson. He gives live interactive presentations around the world that focus on his grandfather’s life and work and modern political art. Please write to him to request his presence at your event or ask any question. He is always pleased to hear from exhibition visitors.

Dada Political Artist John Heartfield grandson, John Heartfield, Curator Official John Heartfield Exhibition