<< John J Heartfield Music

<< A Selection of Lyrics
She Dreams in Technicolor
By John J Heartfield

The movie house is dark
Except for the screen
Angelina’s face is lit
Illuminated by a world
She’s never been
Where everybody says
Clever words
The spell goes on beyond
The final scene
The audience around her
Sighs and rises
And everyone feels
As they should feel
Guaranteed that love
Somehow survives

She dreams in technicolor
In dreams too big for you or I to know
She dreams in technicolor
She sees the summer in the snow

Out into the still night she walks
And for a short time
She is someone else
She says remembered words
When she talks
They guarantee that love
Somehow survives
But to Angelina they are only words
While she is my reason

She dreams in technicolor
In dreams too big for you or I to see
She dreams in technicolor
She’s got no black and white for me

Angelina comes home to me
And for a short time
She is really there
But her heart is in a place
I cannot be
Where all the words
Are warm, witty, and wise
I try, but life’s so full of words
Sometimes I can’t find
The right ones

She dreams in technicolor
In dreams too big for you or I to live
She dreams in technicolor
It’s taken all she has to give