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The Verb To Be
By John J Heartfield

four and four and four and there ****
The verb “to be”
Applies to me
I am a being of the here and now
The past is gone
The future’s a song
I heard a moment ago

The verb “to be”
Applies to you
Just one of thousands
In a billion or two
Who stand erect
Demand respect
And don’t get much somehow

The verb “to be”
Applies to us
Are we just creatures
Who do what we must?
From day to day
We hope and pray
Please don’t step on us

The verb “to be”
Applies to you
Just one of millions
In a trillion or two
Who live on earth
For what it’s worth
It used to be nice

It keeps you in
That’s what you get
You came from mud
Ha! That’s made up

The verb “to be”
Applies to me
We are all beingd
Of the here and now
The past is gone
The future’s a song
I heard a moment ago…