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The River Seine
By John J Heartfield

I would say she’s in Paris now
If I had to guess
Probably near the River Seine
That’s where she loved it best

And if she’s in Paris now
I know what she does Saturdays
I could walk along that way
Wait for the moment
When she’d say

“Oh, I don’t believe my eyes
Talk about your wild
And unpredictable surprise
Strange, just this moment
I was thinking about you
Often when I cross the River Seine
That’s what I do
Often when I see the River Seine”

I would say she’s in Paris now
Though I don’t know her address
She’s probably with another man
Life goes on
I guess

And if she’s in Paris now
She’ll always go to our café
I could walk along that way
Wait for the moment
When she’d say

“Oh, I don’t believe my eyes
Talk about your wild
And unpredictable surprise
Strange, just this moment
I was thinking about you
Often when I cross the River Seine
That’s what I do
Often when I see the River Seine”

I would say she’s in Paris now
And that’s where she will stay
And when I meet her there
Those are the words she’ll say
Those are always
The words she’ll say