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Sinking Into The Flesh
By John J Heartfield

Pick any night on the street of lights
And the rhythm of desire
Comes weaving out of the bars
And breathing fast and so hard
It whispers what there is to acquire

Deep leather rooms
And silk and perfumes
And dark expensive wine
If you don’t look too close
And it’s just for the moment
It all seems sublime

And I see blonde girls in fancy cars
Their creamy brown skin
So tight in white dresses
And what am I to think?
I just want to sink into the flesh

Sinking into the flesh (4X)

Well you watch your TV
And you read your Newsweek
And you see it in The National Star
And everything around you
Is saying that you ought to be
Doing better than you are
But you’re a little too proud
To say it out loud
Into the crowd you seem to melt
You’re just an innocent man
Doing what he can
To get his feelings felt
His feelings felt

By the blonde girls
In their fancy cars
Their creamy brown skin
So tight in white dresses
And what am I to think?
I just want to sink
Into the flesh

Sinking into the flesh (4X)

Golden hair
Creamy skin
Take me there
I’ll sink right in
I’ll sink right in

Pick any night
On the street of lights
And the rhythm of desire
Comes weaving out of the bars
And breathing “Hi” to the stars
It whispers what there is to acquire
And love is a myth
And love is no sin
Love does not exist
On the street of lights
It’s just the moment together
The taste of her first kiss
Her kiss
Her kiss

Sinking into the flesh (4X)